I am herewith expressing my personal opinion and suggestions to be followed by the people who are at the helm of affairs to reach towards SURAJ.
- Anti-discrimination: All citizens of the nation should be treated equally and accorded equal opportunities in employment, earning of income and esteem according to their ability and deserving, irrespective of caste, colour, creed, religion except depending upon their social and economical backwardness.
- Productivity: The productivity of the nation from the natural resources should be maximized and wastage should be reduced by giving importance to quality and productivity of service. Prescribing the levels of the standard to be followed by the manufacturers and service providers. This step will reduce the un-productivity expenditure on sales, promotion, marketing and advertisement etc. More amount will be spent on raw material and labour etc.
- Human resources: At present the human resources are grossly mis-used by employing for the purpose for other than those who have been educated and trained.For example, engineers and doctors are entering into financial services, revenue services for which they were not properly educated and trained by going through a Common examination which results into mis-utilization or wrong steps at the implementation stage.
- Employment & Earning: All citizens of the nation should be provided employment depending upon their interest, capability, education-qualifications. The relation between the Education, training and employment should be un-detachable . Every service should be either at the professional level or semi-professional level. The education should also be accorded depending upon their capacity, quality of education, and tests he has gone through. The financial and social aspects should not be considered for admission to professional courses. Services at every level should be based on the education and training one has attained during his education period i.e. the education training and service provided should be co-related.
- Investments: The investments made by individuals should be amply protected and rewarded with income and security by making the management responsible for its deficiency in service provided to the organisation. To achieve this purpose, the investments by the management in an organisation should not be less than 51% so that they can feel the pinch of loss. Also minimum 1/4th portion of profits should be distributed to shareholders in the form of dividends. Investments should not be treated as a speculative and gambling but it should be considered as infrastructure resource of the nation. To achieve this purpose of the investments in every sector may be in shares, real estates, business organisations, human resources, bonds, speculative and of other forms should be treated as valuable assets for investment.
- Administration: The quality of administration should be of high standards by according and granting equal opportunity, equal responsibility to each class and equal tests and checks for each and every service and product i.e. there should not be any discrimination depending upon the strength and weakness of the individual and organisations. To be treated as a developed nation, the citizens should be made “Citizens to obey the law” as against developing nations character of “Citizens above the law. In other words quality of administration should be impartial, no delay in service and based on facts and quality of service according to the requirement at the situations concerned. Honest should be protected and respected.
- Policy Making: The National policy should be prescribed irrespective of the individual approaches and political performance by giving importance to the national importance without considering the name and fame to accredited to the policy maker i.e. the national importance and target to be achieved, policy to be followed procedural in implementation should be prescribed for the whole nation by the highest policy making authority. So that there cannot be any confusion in implementation towards national objectives when there is change in the ruling Government. There should not be any relation between the administration and policy making authority i.e. administration should be out of control of the policy making authority just like judiciary, election commission and others. The accountability of the administration creates a sense of responsibility and duty bounded-ness in the hands of the administration so that they cannot be influenced by the policy makers.
- Objectives and targets: The national objectives and targets should be prescribed and the policy maker has to prepare policies to achieve the national objectives and targets by planning time bound frame works and guidelines for monitoring the administration should be answerable at every stage of the implementation with regarding with quality performance and timely service.
- Messages: Every message in the form of any type of Media, entertainment, meetings should be monitored and controlled so as to maintain the national integrity and responsibility i.e. every message accountable and answerable when it reaches to the receipants. In other words there should not be democracy more than required in delivering messages in the form of news, views, media, entertainment and in any other form. Every message should be for positive approach and not for creating social hurdles.
- Education: Education should be given top priority prescribing the highest quality of education and training at all level of students. As future of the nation is built in a Classroom. The quality of education should be for best character, subject, quality and time bound training and performance.
- Social responsibilities: The citizens of the nation should be asked to follow the social responsibilities by not indulging, disturbing and abstructing the normal lives by calling for stoppage of works and blocking the moments on roads and doing anything harmful to the society either to individual or to society as a whole. All Natural resources should be protected and utilized for right purpose without any wastage.
The above said opinions are purely of my personal. I expect a reply from your side and guide the political parties on these directions.