Taxes Income Taxes

Penalty U/S.271 (1)(c) read with S.271(1B)

Penalty U/S.271 (1)(c) read with S.271(1B)

The penalty was initiated for filing inaccurate particulars of income, but it was levied for concealment of income – if the satisfaction arrived at during the assessment proceedings was for one reason, penalty cannot  be levied for another reason – Even after retrospective insertion of S.271(1)(1B), the difference between the two limbs of S.271(1)(c) is not erased and still remains.

ITO v.Chhail Behari (Agra) (Trib.) 453 DTR 36 (2010).

2. HYDERABAD BRANCH OF SIRC NEWSLETTER.Volume:12 Issue:8. August,2010,Page No.12

Our comment:
Penalty cannot be levied U/s 271(1) © where there is satisfaction for filing particulars of Income

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