Failure of the payer to make TDS, Interest U/s 234B

Failure of the payer to make TDS, Interest U/s 234B

Description: Assessee’s entire income subject to TDS, no liability to pay interest under section234B-Recent judgment to Full Bench of Uttarakhand High Court In Director of IT, International Taxation v. Maersk Co. Ltd. (2011) 39 (I) ITCL 179 (Uttarakhand – HC) (FB) Maersk Co. Ltd. (for short ‘MCL’) Now, it is settled principle of law that […]

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 Interest under ss.234B and 234C-Chargeability

Interest under ss.234B and 234C-Chargeability

Description: Income subject to TDS – Assessee’s income being tax deductible at source under s.195, no interest under ss.234B and 234C could be charged. Source: 1. 2. HYDERABAD BRANCH OF SIRC NEWSLETTER.Volume:12 Issue:8. August,2010,Page No.12 Our comment: Interest U/s. 234B, 234C cannot be charged where the Assessee’s Income covered by TDS U/s.195

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